A-Z Databases

NHH students and employees have free access to our e-resources both on campus and from home. Some databases require special access rights - this is described in more detail in the tab under each database..

New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
The China Stock Market & Accounting Research (CSMAR) Database offers data on the China stock markets and the financial statements of China’s listed companies.
FactSet provides business data to power your workflow, valuable market analytics to help you outperform, and global market insights to give you perspective.

For accessing FactSet please follow the link (you have to login via the NHH network). The setup of FACTSET is still in a early stage and we might make changes to the machine without notice, and the next time you log on, small changes might have been implemented.
To get started, log into Vmware via desktop.nhh.no. Find the machine called "FACTSET" and click on it to log in.
Find Microsoft SQL Server Manager Studio 20 on the Start Menu . Double-click and adjust settings to reflect the settings below. Please use "banovac" as a server name to connect to the SQL server in the mask that appears.

If this machine is not used for 60 minutes after logging in, it will automatically log you off and the machine gets deleted and recreated. Because of this, alway save your data on M:, all data on the local C: drive will be deleted when the machine gets recreated.
Jurika offers access to:
- over 90 legal commentaries are regularly updated
- over 300 of the law's most important specialist books, periodicals and articles written by Norway's leading legal writers
- fresh insight from changes in legal sources and trends in law
SDC Platinum
SDC Platinum, now accessible as an add-on within Workspace, offers the deal making community 25+ years of the most comprehensive and unrivaled data in the industry with deals information on everything from M&A to private equity to project finance.
